Friday, July 24, 2015

It's Good To Be Home

I'm baaaack!  My flight landed late Wednesday night and I was ever so glad to return home and see my fellows once again.  I did manage to read 2 of the 3 books I packed for the trip. 

My brother and his wife renewed their vows and the ceremony was lovely.  Here's a peek at one of the photos I took:

But I will admit that most of my time was spent like this:
If you look closely at that top foot, you will see the souvenir that came home with me.  That's right, only I could go to somewhere this lovely and break a toe.  So now my footwear for the next month will include this stylish number:
Unfortunately, this also means hanging up my hammer as Bobbette the Builder and also opting out of some other summer library commitments.  But I can still finish my time as a substitute librarian so I headed back to work to check in and check out some books at a nearby school and hobble around and reshelve some of them.

I can't believe students come back in a month!  Where has my summer gone?

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