Sunday, November 23, 2014

From the Mouths of Students

As much as I had hoped to interact with the students more during this first week of our new "genrefied" Fiction section, the reality was American Education Week was a deterrent to this.  Lots of parents and grandparents were really curious about the curriculum being taught (If I had a nickel for every "Wow, this sure is different than when I was in school" and "I need to come learn these lessons") and the changes occurring in the library.  And, fortunate that I am, many were parents of my former Kindergarten students who are always so gracious and kind and want to update me about the progress of the children in their family. I also got some wonderful feedback about our first ever Pumpkin Decorating Contest

So what is a librarian to do when she can't be everywhere at once to capture authentic reactions?  Answer: Flipcam   After the second day, it finally dawned on me that I needed to "solve the problem-get creative" as I tell my students all the time! We have a Flipcam.  My students know how to use a Flipcam.  (Technology working for me instead of against me for once this past week.)  I simply announced that during book check out a Filpcam would be available, on the circulation desk, for anyone who would like to leave a message for the library office about the reorganization of the Fiction section.  It could be positive or negative but they had to support their response.  About 30 students decided to take the challenge.  Since I am not posting all 30, you just need to take my word when I say that there were no negatives.  Unfortunately, the sound quality was not good on many and, as expected, there were some very silly students who just wanted to play around.  (I would not have expected otherwise.)  The clips below are a fair representation of what was recorded.  Take a listen.

(For the record, that is NOT a new book!)
Encouraging and energizing and just what I need to face the shortened Thanksgiving school week with my overly large To-Do list.
Tonight's task, after updating the blog, is to tackle the many emails hardworking Kelly has been sending today.  I really do appreciate sharing the load with the library office.  Two short weeks until the next transformation.

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